Cattle Visions Industry Partners
Cattle Visions is proud to be one of the leading beef semen distribution companies in the United States. We couldn't do it without our industry partners, many of which are listed below! THANK YOU!

Beauprez Land & Cattle
Blind Badger Ranch
Boyert-Core Show Cattle
Cates Farms
Colburn Cattle Company
Competitive Edge Genetics
Conley Cattle Company
Connealy Angus
Coyote Ridge Ranch
Express Ranches
Farrer Stock Farms - Tom, Payton and Taylor Farrer
Griswold Cattle Company - John and Jeannie Griswold
Grimmius Cattle Company
Horn Livestock - Brandon Horn
Jones Show Cattle
Kastel Show Cattle - Josh Kastel
Krebs Ranch
Lautner Farms - Phil and Chance Lautner
Lee Simmental Farms - Jerry and Barb Lee
Lindskov (LT) Ranches
M Lazy Heart Ranch
Matt Lautner Cattle - Matt and Michelle Lautner
Minnaert Show Cattle - Jason Minnaert
Musgrave Angus
NJW Herefords - Ned and Jan Ward
Nowatzke Cattle - Barry Nowatzke
Rodgers Cattle Company - Wade Rodgers
Rodgers Livestock - Blaine Rodgers
Rosebud Cattle
Schaffs Angus Valley
Silviera Bros.
Sullivan Farms - John Sullivan
Sydenstricker Angus Genetics - Sydgen
Thomas Ranches
Vanhove Cattle - Rob Vanhove
Werning Cattle
Wright Charolais

ST Genetics
Beef 360
Bull Barn Genetics
Alta Genetics
Allied Genetic Resources

605 Sires and Donors
Show Me Genetic Services
Bullnanza Stud Services
Nichols Cryo Genetic Services
Hawkeye Breeders Service Inc.
Vogler Semen Centre. Inc.
World West Sire Services Inc.
Premium Beef Genetics
Interglobe Sire Service
Great Lakes Sire Service