• HALB Lutton 18F

    HALB Lutton 18F

  • Reserve Grand Heifer 2019 Iowa Beef Expo shown by Curtain Family

    Reserve Grand Heifer 2019 Iowa Beef Expo shown by Curtain Family

  • SHER the Wood

    SHER the Wood

  • Nowatzke Rosebud Cow

    Nowatzke Rosebud Cow

  • HALB Lutton 18F

    HALB Lutton 18F


HALB Lutton 18F

Cane Codes:

Northern Improvement 4480 GF #+13054003

Exar Lutton 1831 #14035047

Exar Saras Dream 9809 13383188

Champion Hill Fullback 380 +12615211

SHER LSC Rosebud 157Y +17329221

L S C Sasha 133 13947794

Current Stock:
HALB Lutton 18 was born with a 75# BW and has grown into a long bodied, attractive made bull with an awesome rib cage set on a great running gear. Its not often you find a bull with this unique of a predigree that puts all your show cattle making hard to build traites in a high performing package. Weighed 1195# at year of age. Rosebud cows have been making their mark in many of the top programs across the country including Nowatzke/Sweeney and Sherwood with many high sellers and winners. The successful dams for these programs would be full sisters to the mother of this bull. Maternal brother in blood, SHER the Wood to sell as lot 1 in the 2019 Donors on Ice for valuation of $120,000 as well as some exciting genetic packages out other full sisters to this cow. Maternal Sister to mother also raised the Reserve Grand Heifer 2019 Iowa Beef Expo shown by Curtain Family (also several other supreme and top 5 appearances)