• KCF Bennett Summation

    KCF Bennett Summation


KCF Bennett Summation

Cane Codes:

Connealy Consensus #*15513367

K C F Bennett Consent Y75 +*17121627

K C F Miss Protege W148 +16430913

S S Objective T510 0T26 #*13776378

Thomas Patricia 9705 *16615196

Thomas Patricia 71138 +16073394

Current Stock:
Summation has amassed the most unique and “Profit Driven” data profile in our history. At printing, no other non-parent bull in the breed comes close to matching his combination of calving ease, birth weight, growth, carcass merit and index values. When adding restraints for YH/MW/MH, his uniqueness becomes more evident. In the flesh, Summation is massive, wide based, deep flanked, up-headed, good footed, free moving and extremely docile. He exhibits the look of a practical, adaptable, “Cow Making” kind of bull.