• Roseda Chesapeake G305

    Roseda Chesapeake G305


Roseda Chesapeake G305

Cane Codes:

G A R Prophet

G A R Prophet K263

Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131

V A R Discovery 2240

Roseda Ms 2240 Blackcap E081

Roseda Blackcap 0134 C089

Current Stock:
This could easily be one of the best sons of G A R Prophet K263 that the breed has seen. Chesapeake brings a RARE combination of calving ease, low birth and breed-leading growth, all while perfectly blending those traits with the incredible carcass merits for which Roseda Black Angus Farm is known. With marbling @ +1.71, RE@ +1.04, $B@ +216 and $C@ +359, Chesapeake is positioned for a powerful presence in the Angus breed. "G305"- as he is known srounf the farm- has his first calves on the ground this fall and they are impressive! They are really starting to show those growth genetics! When you enter Chesapeake’s EPD profile of CED, BW, WW, YW, MARB, RE, $B, and $C into the animal sort for non-parent sires, he is the only one in this RARE class of young sires! We invite you to join Dean and Matt, and have a part in the story that remains to be written.