• Silveiras Haras Primal 8525

    Silveiras Haras Primal 8525

  • Silveiras Haras Primal 8525

    Silveiras Haras Primal 8525

  • Daughter at Silveiras

    Daughter at Silveiras

  • Primal x Maternal Made daughter at Silveiras

    Primal x Maternal Made daughter at Silveiras

  • $28,000 daughter at BCII

    $28,000 daughter at BCII

  • 5th Overall at ’23 JR Nats for Clark, OK

    5th Overall at ’23 JR Nats for Clark, OK

  • Silveiras Haras Primal 8525

    Silveiras Haras Primal 8525


Silveiras Haras Primal 8525

Cane Codes:

EXG RS First Rate S903 R3 15484543

Dameron First Class *16175085

Dameron Northern Miss 3114 14489054

Silveiras Style 9303 +*16427563

Silveiras Saras Dream 1339 +*16987763

EXG Saras Dream S609 R3 +15368244

Current Stock:
Primal is the dominating 2019 ROV Sr. Calf Show Bull of the Year! He’s a full brother to Primo and exhibits a freaky front end with all the added positive attributes of soundness, muscle, depth and hair! Use Primal to make better cattle! In all breeds!