VAR Legend 5019 (sale)
A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*15719841
V A R Discovery 2240 *17262835
Deer Valley Rita 0308 +*16659293
SydGen C C & 7 #*15330743
PF CC&7 Henrietta Pride 1044 +*16924432
Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T +15836552
Legend remains one of our top selling Angus sires for his balanced genetic profile. Producing over 1,200 head of progeny BW records, and over 100 carcass ultrasound records, he was tested in some of the toughest contemporary groups in the breed.
• Among highly proven sires for acceptable calving ease with elite growth, Legend is #3 for $B, ranks in top 4% for $C, and his carcass/value-based genetics make him a Top Dollar Angus sire.
• As an ULTRAFertility™ sire, Legend consistently achieves superior fertility in both Conventional and sexed semen. Use him in SexedULTRA 4M® to improve foot angle, while adding marbling, ribeye and phenotype to your herd.