• EXAR Stud 4658B

    EXAR Stud 4658B

  • Exar Rita 7672 - $35,000 daughter

    Exar Rita 7672 - $35,000 daughter

  • Daughter Exar Stephanie 7659

    Daughter Exar Stephanie 7659


EXAR Stud 4658B

Cane Codes:

Mytty In Focus #*13880818 [RDF]

A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*15719841

A A R Lady Kelton 5551 #15151449

Summitcrest Complete 1P55 #*14850409 [RDF]

BoBo Rita 1559 +*17050247

DRMCTR 1I1 Rita 6108 +15555628

Current Stock:

Daughters of Stud have stepped forward to become some of the top young cows in the Angus breed and at Express after producing the $200,000 half-interest top-selling heifer of the 2019 Big Event. A Stud daughter sold half-interest for $255,000 in that same sale, and the top-selling fall yearling bull of the 2019 Express Fall Bull sale was the new ORIgen sire EXAR Amplify that is a leader of the ORIgen offering for numerous EPD values and bio-economic indexes.

Stud was ranked among the top 25 sires of progeny registered by the American Angus Association during the 2017 and 2018 fiscal years with his first two calf crops, a testament to his widespread use as a yearling and a two-year-old, based on his superior genomic-enhanced EPD profile.

The $116,000 half-interest top-selling bull of the 2015 Express Fall Bull Sale, Stud’s very first calf crop included the $200,000 half-interest top-selling bull of the 2017 Express Fall Bull sale EXAR Stallion, an exciting young sire that offers one of the most impressive combinations of calving ease and total performance to be found in the Angus population.