• GCC Money Earned 852E

    GCC Money Earned 852E

  • Daughter


  • Son



GCC Money Earned 852E

Cane Codes:

EXG RS First Rate S903 R3

Dameron First Class

Dameron Northern Miss 3114

E&B Popatop 2205

Duff W 373 DixieErica 8137

DCC OL 001 Dixie Erica 373

Current Stock:

From Griswold Cattle - 

This is a bull that is as correct as any we have ever raised.  He was the high selling bull in our Grass to Grid bull sale. He’s had the look and design since he was a calf, big footed, solid testicular development, muscle, power, mass, body, and shape.

His dam is perhaps one of the most unique things about him. She hails from one of the most prolific cow families in the industry, the great Dixie Erica 001. Generations deep in functional, easy fleshing, prolific females.

He was a crowd favorite in Denver and Barry Wesner slapped him Grand Champion Angus Bull at the legendary Fort Worth Stock Show. He won’t only give you the look you are wanting but also the performance. He is as massive of a mature bull as you will find and not in size just power throughout.  The calves are proving they have all the look, design, and dimension of their sire.  Use with CONFIDENCE!

Owned with: Bourquin Cattle, Stedje Livestock, CDS Cattle, Blake Holley, & Southwest Livestock