• GCC Standard Design 933E

    GCC Standard Design 933E


GCC Standard Design 933E

Cane Codes:

EXG RS First Rate S903 R3 15484543

Dameron First Class *16175085

Dameron Northern Miss 3114 14489054

O C C Nitro 703N 14627306

O C C Juanada 925R 15457684

O C C Juanada 862M 14387136

Current Stock:
Standard Design is a maternal brother to Gold Standard and Standard Time. Two of our best replacements this year are full sisters to this bull. To put it simply 925R does not disappoint. Gold Standard has become a household name is producing maternal-oriented genetics that are in high demand. We have fallen in love with our Standard Time Calves- they are the real deal, and now we are proud to introduce Standard Design. This may very well be phenotypically and genotypically the best bull we have ever raised. He has all the right parts for even the most critical cattleman. With grow, power, style and a cow unlike any other standing behind him, this is a bull to put your money on. He'll leave his mark for generations. For the performance oriented cattleman this bull has an extra dose of grow and performance. You will not find a stouter more correct made Angus bull in the country.