• PF GCC Panhandle C528

    PF GCC Panhandle C528


PF GCC Panhandle C528

Cane Codes:

EXG RS First Rate S903 R3 15484543

Dameron First Class *16175085

Dameron Northern Miss 3114 14489054

Northern Improvement 4480 GF #+13054003

J&J Queen 414 +14694435

J&J Queenie 9206 +13412890

Current Stock:
Panhandle’s maternal Irish Whiskey sister was crowned Champion in Denver, she was Reserve Supreme at OYE, and went on to a National Championship at the American Royal. His maternal brother Stock Broker, sired by Broker has swept the Nation wining and was Grand Champion at Kansas City and Louisville and was Champion at the Simmental National Show in Louisville. He’s a maternal sibling to Lydia and Renegade who both took the show ring by storm as National Champions. His full sister was Supreme Champion at OYE to beat out 400 head. You just don’t find a cow family very often that has this much potency and power across three different breeds and multiple sire groups. We are betting on that consistency! Now combine that with First Class, semen that is virtually impossible to find but in ever increasing demand because of the look, power and consistency he sires.