Smooth Move J121 (Styles RMH)(Plainview Black Velvet)
G 13 Structure
LaGrand PV Black Velvet 5103
Roth Formera 9199
Exar Sudden Impact 1537
Plainview Annie Oakley D8
Plainview Annie Oakley 16B
"Smooth Move" is the nickname of this moderate birth weight sire, and it's no wonder why. He is as sleek fronted as they come with smooth shoulders and a square topline and hip. An industry icon actually called Smooth Move the next Northern Improvement at the 2010 NWSS! Time will tell, but we definitely like what we see here! Styles & RMH Livestock own this great young sire. The calves are jet black and ultra hairy. Chris Styles says he is an Angus heifer bull.